Monday, November 28, 2005

Ric Flair - Road Rage

Strange one this, I would think that WWE wrestlers were more susceptable to roid rage rather than road rage. I like the mental image of Flair going mad and elbow dropping his jacket in front of traffic.

Courtesy of

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Pro wrestler Ric Flair faces assault charges after a road
rage incident on Interstate 485 in Charlotte. Another driver said Flair
attacked him and his car.

The driver said he was on I-485 on Wednesday, trying to get out of town for
the Thanksgiving holiday and traffic was slow.

The driver said he noticed someone behind him flashing their headlights, so
he hit his brakes.

The driver said the car then pulled along side him, police said. The victim
said he immediately recognized the driver as Ric Flair.

The driver told police that Flair got out of his car, walked over to the
vehicle, grabbed him by the neck and damaged his car.

Police said there are two warrants out for Flair -- simple assault and
damage to personal property.

Flair's attorney, Richard Finnell, said Flair is unaware of the warrants. He
said Flair is in Michigan this week for a pay-per-view wrestling event.

Finnell said Flair would be back in Charlotte on Tuesday.

Survivor Series 2005 - Results

I didn't actually watch the event so I can't comment on the matches however here are your Survivor Series 2005 results

Booker T d. Chris Benoit in the first of their seven match series for the U.S Championship.

Trish Stratus d. Melina to retain the Woman's Championship.

Triple H d. Ric Flair in a last man standing match

Edge introduced his new interview segment "The Cutting Edge", the crowd goes mild.

John Cena d. Kurt Angle w/Davairi

Teddy Long d. Eric Bischoff after interference from the Boogeyman

RAW v. Smackdown Survivor Series Match : Smackdown win, Orton is the sole survivor.

After the match Orton is joined in celebration by the SD roster, until the Undertaker shows up and lays out everyone bar Randy who escaped.