Monday, July 04, 2005

Wrestling News July 4, 2005

The WWE and Hogan made a list of 74 reasons to love America.
- The WWE. Some sensitive types may object, and serious types will object, but the WWE is one of the best American success stories. It sells a product that is quintessentially American, and makes no apologies or stabs at political correctness. It’s also hilarious if taken with the large grain of salt it deserves.

- Hulk Hogan, because he is, as the song goes, a Real American.

SD: I agree with the WWE one obviously. To comment on the Hogan one would be opening a political can of worms so I won’t say any more on that.

Chris Jericho recently shared his thoughts with the Calgary Sun about the NHL’s continuing problems. "Newsflash for everybody in the NHL office: Hockey's not as big as they'd like to believe it is," Jericho said. "I live in Florida and, believe me, a lot of people just don't give a damn.

"Both the players and the owners have an ego about how big hockey is," said Jericho. "I hope they know what they're doing but I honestly don't think they do."

SD: Hockey. Jericho knows how I, and most Americans, feel about hockey. Meh…

Shreveport, LA native Summer DeLin Bryan got some local press for her entrance in the 2005 Raw Diva Search contest. As for their on-screen personas, Bryan said they aren't being asked to play a character but to be themselves, only a super-charged version.

"They said to be yourself, but your personality times 1,000," she said.

Bryan said she and her fiance, Shreveport plastic surgeon Dan Knight, were only passingly familiar with the WWE but have become quick studies since she entered the contest.

"No, I wasn't a fan, but it's been really fun to be thrown into the middle of it," she said.

"I've even picked up a little catch phrase," Bryan said. "Do you know what time it is? It's Summertime!"

SD: Well she admittedly doesn’t know much about wrestling but at least she knows how to get over in 1998.

In some media crossover news, WWE is giving fans at the San Diego Comic-Con International an exclusive first peak of Kane’s new movie. The film which is probably on it’s 4th or 5th title by now will be part of the Lion’s Gate Films panel on Friday from 4:30-5:30 PM in room 6A. In addition you will see an exclusive trailer for Saw 2. If you’re gonna be at the show I think it would be worth a look-see.

WWE News and Notes:
- Big Guido started working with OVW
- Ric Flair tweaked his knee against Angle on Raw last week
- Joey Styles is signed to do ECW voice over work for the WWE
- Hardcore Holly has opened up his own wrestling school. It probably doesn’t even need stated that “Only serious students need apply”
- Rumors continue about possible roster cuts. There is less television time coming up after the move to USA and the Diva Search does need to be paid for so it was bound to come up.


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