Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wrestling News June 28, 2005

Pro Wrestling Unplugged announced today that RF Video has become a partial owner of the company. Says the press release: "As part owner of PWU, I am pleased to announce that we are merging with RF Video effective immediately. The new PWU ownership team consists of The BackSeat Boyz, Dr Don Bootz, and now RF Video. I feel that this relationship will only strengthen our company from the inside out. I believe so strongly in our talent roster and I know that RF Video does as well. Together we now have all the tools needed to run a truly successful and innovative organization. I personally am getting back into ring shape so that I may fulfill my commitment to PWU on the active wrestling roster. I truly can't wait to get back in the ring for a company I believe in whole-heartedly. Our next event, July 30th, will truly be a life changing experience for me. I would like to let the fans know to keep a close eye on PWU from this moment forward because it's all about to begin.......again."---Johnny Kashmere

SD: Has it really been a year since that infamous incident? If you recall part of the deal was that RF Video would not be able to have another promotion for a year after they sold their rights of ROH to another party. This deal can potentially help PWU move to the next level if the stench of that incident has worn off by now.

Singers Hall & Oates compared “American Idol to professional wrestling. Both singers said they were impressed by one modern development: 'American Idol.''It's honest,' Hall explained. 'Everybody might think, you know, it's like professional wrestling or something and villain and the good guy. But you know something, it's all real. If somebody says they don't like somebody, they don't like somebody.'

'And the crowd,' Oates said. 'The studio audience really responds. They respond honestly to the performances.

SD: Well, Oates is wrong. As we know most wrestling fans aren’t really up to the task of evaluating wrestling performances. Yes, that includes “smart” fans.

There’s a small story about Sting online about a book signing and his life after finding God. By the mid-1990s, Borden had reached the height of success within the wrestling world -- enjoying international fame, money and everything he'd ever wanted. But something was missing.

"I realized I had achieved everything the world calls success, but I was not happy," Borden said. "There was something in my life that was really, really empty."

"After I got saved, my brother, who's now my pastor, told me to let my example be my testimony," Borden said. "Don't be shy in sharing your faith; the more you talk about it, the stronger your faith will be."

SD: I’m glad positive self-fulfilling prophecy is working for him. All accounts say he really has turned his life around. I think that speaks well of the sheer will power and self-discipline of the man called Sting.

In Indian political news, the use of professional wrestling tricks is a bitter pill to swallow. The Left parties should withdraw support if they were unhappy with the UPA, but the Marxists would not do so as it was a case of 'match-fixing' between them, BJP General Secretary Shahnawaz Hussain said today.

"This is a case of match-fixing like in WWE free style wrestling. There is a tacit understanding between the UPA and the Leftists. The understanding is that the UPA will continue to do as it pleases, while the Marxists will keep on shouting," Hussain said.

"If the Leftists are unhappy with the UPA over implementation of the common minimum programme and the recent increase in the prices of petrol and diesel, let them withdraw support.".

But the Leftist would not do, he said, "They want to continue with their drama to hoodwink the people till next year's Assembly elections in West Bengal," he said.
About the elections in Bihar, he claimed that the NDA would get an absolute majority there under the leadership of Nitish Kumar and defeat the RJD-Congress combine.

SD: Politicians lying and trying to “fix” a win? Say it isn’t so! Let’s be honest: we all know that it’s all a work. Wrestling, religion, politics, reality tv. People will say and do anything to keep your attention. Sometimes that’s what’s so fun about it all.

Thirteen year old amateur wrestling champion Nikola Bogojevic is possibly the next Kurt Angle. ``I always loved wrestling,'' said Bogojevic, who stands 5-foot-9 and weighs 220 pounds. ``My main goal is to make it to the Olympics.''

After discussing his life and that of family, it goes on. Kim Kogojevic says her son is a gentle giant wrapped in a man's body. His bedroom is full of medals and posters of World Wrestling Entertainment stars. When friends visit Nikola, they sometimes wrestle downstairs, dressed costumes mimicking pro wrestling stars, Kim Bogojevic said.

``We're very proud of him. We'll push him all we can,'' Kim Bogojevic said ``I really feel he will be in the Olympics one day.''

SD: The future is looking good for professional wrestling. It seems because of Kurt Angle that more and more kids see how amateur wrestling really can be a solid base for professional wrestling.

WWE News and Notes:
In a short video promo on WWE.com Carlito announces that Hulk Hogan will be his guest on the Cabana next week. Hogan will most likely be there to hype his upcoming VH-1 show Hogan Knows Best .

The addition of Coach to the Raw announce team may be permanent. In my opinion that is fantastic news.

Vince McMahon is said to have liked RVD’s promo at ECW: One Night Stand enough that he will once again be a talker. He seems a little rusty now but he’ll pick his game back up soon enough.

Speaking of One Night Stand, the DVD was released today. The Dudleys and the Sandman’s music were changed for the release. Also, the swearing is still gone or even more censored. I haven’t seen it yet.

ROH News and Notes:
They are having a 15-25% off sale until tomorrow night at ROHwrestling.com. If you’ve never seen an ROH event this is your chance to get a DVD or VHS copy cheap. In addition you can save on live event tickets and a lot of other stuff.

You can now pre-order Straight Shootin' With Terry Funk & Shane Douglas at ROHwrestling.com. This will be a region 0 high quality DVD and play anywhere in the world. This is a must for not just ECW fans, but all wrestling fans. You'll be entertained and educated on the wrestling business. If you don't at least want to see the Terry Funk one then you are not a wrestling fan.

CM Punk said his goodbye to the Florida independent scene last Saturday losing to Colt Cabana in a 45 plus minute classic for the FIP promotion. I would love to see this one.

Austin Aries will take over for C.M. Punk as head trainer for the ROH wrestling school in Philadelphia with the next class starting on 7/18.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

[Taken from Haloscan]

Haha, what I can say about today's news? Umm...well...uh...gee Hall and Oates were a good band! Yeah!

Sorry. Let's see...

Story One: There's no way PWU will succeed at all. Feinstein has a horrendous reputation at this point, and it isn't a secret one.

Story Two: Don't worry, American Idol audiences are also not up to the task of evaluating musical acts.

Story Three: Cheers to Sting. It's always nice to see someone in wrestling with a positive story.

Story Four: Stop being so cynical.

Story Five: Kurt Angle certainly THINKS he's the impetus for amateur wrestling beginning to make it big in pro wrestling. I can't really disagree. But as much as I love Kurt, he seems to have a bit of hubris about the whole thing.

Story Six 1/2: I love Carlito. Coach is a good thing. RVD is a horrendous talker and always has been. The ECW: ONS DVD appears to be a bit of a botch job, but I'm sure licensing fees were the primary cause so I can't really blame them for it.

Story Seven 2/3: The ROH Savings are only if you buy a certain amount, nice deal if you've got the cash, but not so nice if you don't. I love Terry Funk...but I don't enjoy Shane Douglas at all. Track down that CM Punk/Colt Cabana match

9:44 PM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger EricP said...

They will just draw 14 people but RF will say it was 18.

2:04 AM, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Stefan said...

S4: Yeah, that came out far more cynical than I meant it too LOL

S5: I see what you're saying. But in recent years there has been a bit of a glut of ameteur wrestling in the "pros". What I am simply saying is that just Angle showing existing amateur wrestlers that they can do this and it will be ok, here is a kid who sees it as a way in. Certainly it's not something new but for too long there was this "backyard wrestling" glut. I can write a column about this...

10:46 AM, June 29, 2005  

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