Monday, June 27, 2005

Design Changes

I've made a few changes to the feel of Pillar to Post. Details inside.
- First, the dumbest. The "Read More" link is now on the right.

- Now, the ones that concern you:

- I've made a switch to Haloscan to the comments as it has a few advantages over Blogger's comments. Most of these won't matter to you but...

- Please comment using the "Comments" link and not the Talkback. Talkback is for another purpose. I need to read up on it still LOL

- You will no longer be asked to provide a Blogger ID. This may have been scaring some people away from commenting. Maybe.

- The information you provide will be retained if you allow cookies.

- Please don't post anonymous. Use a pseudonym if you must but this makes it easier for us all. You don't have to list an email address or URL if you don't want to.

- The old Blogger comments can be seen if you click on the "Read More" links in all articles posted prior to this. I apologize if this upsets you.

- Thank you James Ray for attempting to salvage the comments for me. Sorry it wasn't exactly necessary.


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