Sunday, June 26, 2005

Booking the Draft Following Vengeance

Since Cena won his Triple Threat match against Jericho and Christian for the WWE Title this evening at Vengeance, I think there are two possible booking scenarios for the draft this week:

1) Cena is going back to SD. He's eligible, since he's a RAW superstar, and if this does come to pass, in hindsight it still makes the past month sensible from a business standpoint. Cena is red hot right now, and they tapped into both this and his album by moving him to the show that had the PPV this month so that he could not only have exposure, but maintain momentum by winning the match against two very capable challengers (in what was a truly fine match, in my opinion).

2) Jericho will challenge Cena for the WWE Title tomorrow night on RAW since Cena didn't beat him in the match, and rather pinned Christian. Jericho will win the WWE Title, and then get drafted to SD so that it has its own champ.

In either case, this will make the SD 6 Man match for the Smackdown Title becomes a #1 contender's match by default, with the champ facing the winner at the Great American Bash next month. Booker T, Benoit, and Taker would pose fine opponents for either Cena or Jericho (Hassan is not ready, JBL lost to Cena but is also a heel to Jericho, and as much as I like him, I don't Big Show would sell the PPV).

If either possibility does pan out, I think it will make for some good, fresh matchups.


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