Sunday, June 26, 2005

Wrestling News June 26, 2005

In yet another interview with Christian, he still prefers not to say too much about the company. With the ongoing Draft Lottery ... and some big names going back and forth ... Christian doesn't worry about where he'll wind up.

"If I end up on Smackdown!, I end up on Smackdown!," he says. "It doesn't matter to me either way. With Kurt Angle and Cena moving (to RAW), there's a great opportunity for guys to step up."

SD: Can't disagree with that one. I think he'd shine, shine, shine on SmackDown.

Christian enjoys his wrestling persona, even if it does have the smugness turned up a notch or two.

"Some people say that's me. The same as outside of the ring," says Christian. "I'm a little sarcastic sometimes. And I like to have fun with the guys.

"But I don't think I'm going to run up behind the mailman when he's putting mail in the mailboxes and hit him with a chair.

"I don't see myself changing the way I am. It works for me. (The fans) have a choice. They can cheer or boo."

SD: The thought of Christian running up behind a mailman and hitting him with a steel chair makes me laugh. I guess this pretty much confirms my suspicians that the way he talks out there now is an amplified aspect of his personality.

The Korean military is having problems with how it treats its newest trainees as reported by their newspapers.
Meanwhile, a video clip showing a junior soldier on prison guard duty being felled by a flying kick from a senior was apparently taken last August. The Ministry of Justice said four members of a guard squad were imitating professional wrestlers while watching an American pro-wrestling match on TV in August last year.

But internet users who have seen the clip have thrown doubt on the ministry’s “horseplay” interpretation, saying the junior does not look prepared for the kick.

SD: Hey look! Wrestling is a scapegoat for other the actions of bullies! Haven't had a story like that in a while....

WWE announced a few more books to be published.Among them, a biography about Shawn Michael (November 2005), a "photojournal" book about the Divas (October 2005) and a fictionalized biography about Kane (September 2005) which should be fun as hell. The latter states that it "... takes the enigma that is Kane into terrifying places where few would dare to go." Insert Katie Vick joke here: ______.

In Ring of Honor news:
- Jack evans is taking off a few months to allow some lingering injuries to heal

- Matt Hardy says he is coming with a mission on July 16 when ROH returns to the New Haven market. Hardy says he wants to blow the ROH fans away when he takes on Christopher Daniels. Hardy has seen the DVD of his brother in ROH at the first "Death Before Dishonor" and he says that his debut will be the exact opposite. Hardy told ROH officials that he can't wait to wrestle without any restraints.

SD: Did I mention I got my tickets for the ROH debut in Cleveland on October 14th? We'll see who's on the roster by then but it should be fun as hell.

You can find an interview with ROH's Jimmy Jacobs here and one with TNA's Cassidy Riley here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if going to SD! is good for CAPTAIN CHARISMA's career, I want to be selfish and see him every monday night (as I don't get to watch SD! every week).

6:08 PM, June 26, 2005  

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